- Speed
- Column Value mapping to Enum
- Works on any object
- No Code Generation Required
- Object primary key set on object when inserted
- Default values set on object when inserted (currently only supported on sql server)
- No Data Context required
- Multiple Data store support
- Full crud with no SQL required
- Multi Database Support (SqlServer, MySql, Postgre, Sqlite) with a shared API
- Load from a table
- Load from a view
- Load from a stored proc
- Linq
- Field aliasing
- Transactions
- VS Extension
- Query Predicate
- Raw Access
- Database Migrator
- Databinding
- Schema Validation
- Table Init
- Schema Support
- Object Init
- Enum Columns
Sauce Makes a several assumptions about your dataacccess, most of them you can change (with overrides)
- The object name is the table name with an s (if not on the object name)
- The table will be located in the default schema
- A property named id (case insensitive) will be the primary key
- The property name is the column name
- The column will always be loaded
- The column will always be saved
- All Columns Map to a property
- All objects will be validated on the schema
- No column is a foreign key
- The default value of all fields is null
- No object requires additional initialization (calculation etc)